We hope you enjoy Hiperbaric all the sessions of the HPP Innovation Week! A great event that is considered the benchmark event on High Pressure Processing (HPP) Technology for the food & beverage industry.
Discovering HPP
Discover the principles of High Pressure Processing (HPP). We break down the basics of the technology, as well as discuss of the variety of compatible applications, comparison between non-thermal technologies, microbiological inactivation and validation of products. We also showcase our HPP Incubator, which is where many HPP products are born.
HPP Systems and operations
This module is focused on the functionality and operations of HPP units. We present both our HPP In-Pack and In-Bulk Technologies. You can discover some of the major differences between outsourcing your HPP process with an HPP toller versus purchasing an HPP system and bring the operation in-house. We present all the automation solutions we are able to offer together with an extraordinary 24/7 aftersales service and the latest industry 4.0 implementations.
HPP Packaging
We dive deep into the principles of HPP packaging with our HPP applications and food processing specialists together with a great variety of packaging suppliers. Different types of packaging are showcased and also the latest innovations in sustainable solutions 100% compatible with HPP.
Emerging Applications
Discovers great testimonials and first-hand experiences from manufacturers and researchers talking about emerging HPP applications on the market today, including pet food, dairy products, pharma & cosmetics, as well as conduct a live HPP run using seafood products.
Commercialization & Marketing
Cold Pressure Council (CPC) explains how HPP brands can communicate the benefits of the technology to consumers. We have exclusive interviews to explain the benefits of HPP to retailers and also a great story of a small hummus brand in the US that scaled their business using HPP. Lastly, we have a live chef demonstration from Sandridge Food Corporation’s kitchen where they’ll be cooking one of their HPP recipes from scratch.
Regulatory Compliance
We all you need to know about regulatory compliance of HPP products segmented by region. A great opportunity to discover the regulatory compliance and product validation guidelines all around the world by listening senior consultants, regulatory and academic leaders, all of them with a vast experience in working hand-in-hand with HPP manufacturers
HPP Global Market Trends
Our experts, together with some of our most distinguished customers analyze the current situation of HPP in each market. The best way to know the global market trends in each geographic region around the world including the US, Europe, Oceania, Asia, Africa, Middle East and Latin America. Don’t miss the session of your region!